Hotel Wittelsbacher Hof am Ammersee

Servus! Herzlich Willkommen in Utting

Travel cancellation and withdrawal


A trip may not be able to be taken for a wide variety of perfectly legitimate reasons, which is why the cancellation of a hotel booking is often unavoidable. A hotel calculates with predictable sales. In the event of a cancellation of a booking, this is associated with financial losses for a hotel, which are to be partially compensated by charging cancellation fees.

Depending on the contractual scope of services, a travel cancellation insurance will in most cases cover these cancellation fees for the guest. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase a travel cancellation insurance policy in advance of a trip. This is possible with many insurers even until just before travel and without a long-term contract commitment.

Cancellation is free of charge until 14 days before the day of arrival. After this point of time, 80 percent of the booking price will be charged as a cancellation fee. The same applies in case of non-arrival (no show), delayed arrival or premature departure (pro rata cancellation fees for respective periods).

A cancellation should be communicated to the reception as early as possible by phone or in writing via e-mail. With timely information, the canceled room can possibly be given to another guest and cancellation fees can be reduced or avoided completely. However, we would like to explicitly point out that we can not always guarantee this and that this depends significantly on a timely information of the reception by the guest.